no no bukan nak wat deko idaman ok
i've decided to mke this blog sbg my journal utk losing my weight
yeah yeah..i'm turning into dugong rasanya (ke paus biru?)
yup dulu pop a pill and so many health drinks..
starving..sumer buat..turun takat 2-3 kilo..then naik 10 kilo (apakah?)
so now..i war warkn in this blog..
i wanna losing weight..
target to lose: 20 kg
target time: end of this year (huh?..)
today: 28th April 2011
estimated date end: 28th december 2011
so starting with my meal journal la..(jgn gelak ok..i siyes nih)
roti canai 2 keping (jgn gelak aaa) - 301.5 x 2 = 603 kalori
Neslo Panas: 1 cawan = 113 kalori
Pukul 10 -
Kopi Radix 1 peket = 86.59kalori
Lunch -
1 pocket KFC = 440 kalori
1 ketul ayam kfc bhgn (thigh) -
yes ai buang kulit n lemak = 313 kalori
Air; milo no ais = 75 kalori
Tea time
Mixed Peach Mango Yogurt = 95 kalori
total kalori intake =
1,725.59!!! (ko gila?)hmm camno nih..belum dinner lagi aku pun
so nampak gaya Roti canai out from my food once in a blue moon ai amik
balance nak amik kalori for taday 227.04 (aku nak makan apa ek)